(Continued from page 13)

she said coughing, "another reel pleaso."

Fran glancod into her drink as though reading into a crystal ball. "After all," she paused in a mental soarch for something to go with the words, "after all, we're all of us part of a man and a woman and..." again she paused, not exactly sure what she had in mind to say, "and oven they're composed 'vo..."

"Please don't be basic. For gawd's sake don't be basic. You and I both've been over and through that since the year one. And it bores me." Sue was seized with laughter. When it was over she poured another round of drinks.

"We shouldn't," said Fran, "but .

Sue set her glass down sharply and threw her legs over the side of the bed. "Gadzook!" she said.

"What?" Fran said.

"No water facilites," Suo said.

"Basio," Fran said.

"Basin," Sue said, "Basin, What'n hell am I gonna do?"


"My hands. I can't stand it when my hands're clammy."

"Think of Daniel Boone."

"Daniel Whonnn?"

"Never mind. Como on. On your feet."

Where to?"

"Water, my dear, to wash your little pinkies."